
March 21, 2013

To Blog or Not to Blog...

(Image courtesy of Google images)

I started this blog with the intentions of being able to dedicate myself to posting at least a few times a week, hopefully making my way to posting everyday. I'm now seeing this task is a little more complicated than I thought. I've always had a knack for writing and expressing myself better through writing words than conversation, but blogging takes practice. I'm sure I could pick a topic and just type till my heart's content, but I'm sure what can start as a few paragraphs can lead to a never-ending rant.

It seems I often find myself starting a post, editing, backspacing & retyping again until finally I delete it before it's ever published. I'm not sure if the thought of writing something that doesn't make sense, or posting something that's full of grammatical errors & misspellings, that keeps me from hitting the publish button.

Blogging was something I was introduced too through a friend of mine, and at the time I was only following one blog Young House Love, which to this day is still one of my all-time favorite blogs. This friend felt I always had insightful things to say on certain topics and asked had I considered blogging. I've never thought of myself as insightful, I just say how I feel on certain topics.

After a few months of thinking it through and reading a few blogs here and there, I finally decided to take the leap. Now, I'm at a standstill... I hope as time goes on I will be able to find my place in the wonderful world of blogging. I know that blogging is something that I'm excited to take-on, but I've gotta find my voice in this thing.

January 1, 2013

Blogging in the New Year

Happy New Year Loves! I'm so excited for the new year & all that it may bring! I'm also excited to take this step out on faith & start my 1st blog!! I can honestly say 2012 came with its share of ups & downs, but I'm thankful that I can start 2013 with a positive mindset that I will make this MY year! I have contemplated on what I will write about and whether or not anyone will even be interested in my "simple" life, however, I feel within everyone there is a story to tell! never know who might share your same story or who may be inspired along the way. I'm so excited to embark on this new journey of blogging & invite you to come along for the ride!!!

With Love, 

Tatum Danyel